What’s Up With Canadian Foreign Aid?
Presenter: Neil Mussell
September, 2015
Foreign aid in Canada is not what it used to be. What has changed? Neil Mussell, a 37 year employee of CEDA (Canadian Economic Development Agency) will help us to get started thinking about what Canadian foreign aid was, and what it could be.
A good definition, and some background globally: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aid UN asks Canada to increase foreign aid: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/un-to-ask-canada-to-significantly-increase-foreign-aid-spending/article24634498/
Opinion in the Times Colonist: http://www.timescolonist.com/opinion/letters/canada-should-increase-foreign-aid-commitment-1.2044395
CEDA: http://www.ceda.com/
Is Canada’s foreign aid effective or useful?
Are the government’s plans to reform it a good idea?