What Shall We Do with the Coronavirus?
Presenter: Barrie Webster
April, 2021
Policy in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic takes twists and turns nationally and provincially, and attempts, to a large extent with some success, to keep the people of BC safe, enabling them hopefully, to be calm and kind. What is behind this policy?
In BC, our own Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, has been steering a course between medical caution and political judgement. There are mental health needs beyond keeping people physically well.
And the decision to send our children back to school has raised controversy.
The Province of BC has now published the planned vaccination schedule
Meanwhile, there the tantalizing concept of herd immunity
If you have time, you might also like to read the following article on pubic perception of science as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article is from an American source, but with an international perspective.
People around the world have been affected by the Corona Virus. A recent article in a respected scientific society weekly summarized what they saw as the changes in public perception of science and the ways in which COVID-19 has affected life in general.
1. Are you satisfied that the provincial health policy is on the right track?
2. To what extent and on what basis would you like to see it changed?
3. Are you satisfied with the vaccination schedule?
4. what kind of ‘normal’ will we eventually return to?