Ending Fossil Fuel Dependency: How soon will it happen?
Presenter: John Pope
September, 2016
Fossil fuels have provided the means for enormous growth and increased prosperity throughout the 20th century. But the era of oil and gas will be coming to an end because of its role in driving climate change which will seriously disrupt the world’s climate.
While oil and gas will still be needed in the short term, there is an urgency to build renewable sources and reduce our dependency on ‘dirty’ fuel.
Political debates about the environment are no longer about whether or not we need to act, they are about how fast we can change direction with the least disruption to the economy.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signed an agreement at the COP21 Paris Climate Conference this year. Although it is not legally binding, it is a promise. The question is whether or not the current government is on course to fulfill that promise.
What are fossil fuels? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil_fuel
What is global warming (climate change)? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming#Etymology
What is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)? http://www.ipcc.ch/organization/organization.shtml
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Taxpayers’ dollars are spent on subsidies for fossil fuel development: http://priceofoil.org/fossil-fuel-subsidies/
And yes, there are still some who think fossil fuel burning is not so bad: http://theearthproject.com/fossil-fuels-bad-environment/
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